Ferrington Vineyard

Grape Stats

Pinot Noir

667/777, 115, 828, Pommard

101-14, SO4

Vineyard Stats

Number of acres:

North to South

Sloping Hillside

400 feet

Soil type:
Sandy loam with clay

Bi-lateral cordon


Cover crop:
Vetch, peas, oats

Owner: Kurt Schoeneman

Kurt Schoeneman has been growing Pinot Noir for Williams Selyem since 1997. Originally in the construction business, Kurt spends more and more time at his vineyard/ranch. He has a thriving vegetable garden that grows much of the produce he uses in his kitchen. He has studied cooking and likes to entertain guests with food and wine from his land. He keeps sheep, chickens, and turkeys on the ranch. Both hospitality and wine seem to run in his family.

Vineyard History

Originally planted in the 1970’s by Dr. Ferrington, a Santa Rosa Dermatologist, Kurt purchased the vineyard in 1996. With about 70 acres of rich valley floor planted to grapes, the Ferrington Vineyard grows five clones of Pinot Noir, comprising about 27 acres of his vineyard. He has planted the rest to Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer and Riesling. “We are in just about the coolest growing region in the state,” Schoeneman says. “Cabernet won’t ripen here. Burgundy is cool, too, and that’s why champagne grapes like Chardonnay and Pinot Noir do so well in both places.”

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© Williams Selyem − Make the best wines, from the best grapes, from the best growers.