Rochioli Riverblock Vineyard

Grape Stats

Pinot Noir

New Riverblock: 777, 115, Pommard; Riverblock: Pommard Clone, Wente Selection

New Riverblock: 3309 & 15; Riverblock: AxR 1 arch grafted to 3309

Vineyard Stats

Number of acres:
New Riverblock: 13; Riverblock: 12

New Riverblock & Riverblock: North to South

New Riverblock: 2% slope; Riverblock: fairly flat

100 feet

Soil type:
Yolo sandy loam – overflow

Bilateral cordon and vertical bilateral cordon


Cover crop:
New Riverblock: cultivated; Riverblock: clover, annual rye

Growing grapes for Williams Selyem since 1980, Rochioli grapes are an integral part of the winery’s history. Williams Selyem purchases grapes from two areas of the Rochioli vineyards: New Riverblock and the celebrated Riverblock.

In 1938, Joe Sr. began buying the 162 acres of land he had farmed and nourished for many years. He had an intimate bond with the land and understood that the soil of the Russian River Valley was special. His son Joe Jr. shared this connection and intuitively set his sights on clones of grapes that would thrive in this unique spot. The family legacy continues with Tom Rochioli at the helm.

Joe Rochioli Jr. passed away on August 18, 2022 at the age of 88.

Joe Jr. was a grape grower by profession and came from a farming family. His dad, Joe Sr., was an Italian immigrant, and his mother was born just down the road at Wohler Ranch. The family was growing grapes before Joe was born, along with hops, string beans, and prunes. Joe worked in the vineyard from the time he was in grammar school, and grapes were his favorite crop to grow. His goal was to take advantage of the soil’s diversity, as well as the vineyard’s proximity to the ocean and the contours of the valley, which allowed for morning fog and cool evening breezes, both key factors in growing stunning grapes. For over 50 years, he did exactly that and today Rochioli is renowned for the quality of its vineyards, fruit and, of course, the wine.

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© Williams Selyem − Make the best wines, from the best grapes, from the best growers.